BW to Color
Above is my original image for my black and white to color project. I selected this photo to use because it is an old photo from high school that brings back good memories. When selecting my colors from, I wanted to include lots of pinks and greens. This is because my hoodie is pink and I really like the color green. The first color group I used was Square. When creating this photo, the most time consuming aspect was tracing the lettering. Overall this project took me 2 hours to complete. I filled in the same objects for every photo and switched the colors, because I really liked how the first photo turned out. I came across a few challenges when doing the project. I could not find the adobe color tab on my software, so I had to manually type in the color codes. The second issue I had was using the lasso tool. At first it was giving me some issues, regarding a nice outline of what I was tracing. I fixed this is...