Calligram Project


Final Calligram

This project took me around 5 hours to make. I decided to draw a Private jet. I did this because it has always been my dream to have one. I ran into a problem early on with the text not going the right way. I figured out how to edit the type on a path options, which fixed the problem. I used many tools when creating this calligram. I first used the pen tool to create paths that outlined my image. I then used the type on a path tool to get my letter to myself into the image. I used the area tool and text tool quite frequently as well. In my letter I ask my self a lot of questions, and talk about how I hope some of my struggles eventually go away. I purposely made the jet taking off, so it depicts my struggles flying away. I was inspired by the ACJ 220 private jet, which is what I hope to own when I am older. The purpose of my art is to let others know that all your dreams are achievable, no matter what you have been through in life. The Importance of the text in my calligram is what kept me motivated to complete this work to the best of my ability. The audience should perceive my work in a positive way, and should be influenced to take their problems they have been hung up on and fly them away as well.

Sketch I used for inspiration

I found this sketch on the internet which helped me figure out how I wanted to draw my private jet. I changed the angles and other aspects of the plane as well to help keep my art work original. The letter I wrote to myself is:

Dear James,

20 years from now I hope you are doing well. I can Imagine your life has taken you to places further than I could even Imagine now. We had a rough start, but that really doesn’t mean anything. If you are still focused on your past with everything that has happened, forget about it. Do not let your past dictate who you become. I wonder what job you have. I really hope you are doing very successful. You know I have always wanted to own a Private Jet. Do you have any kids? If so, take good care of them and be the example you wish you had. Becoming a parent is probably one of the most stressful things in life and comes with a lot of responsibilities. Learn to deal with the stress in a positive way. Are you married? I know I tell myself I probably won’t right now, but I hope you met that special someone. Take good care of her and try and be respectful of her wishes. I really hope you have figured out everything that goes on with your mind every day. It’s a lot to deal with but I know you will figure it out. Reed, you are a great person. You make other people smile and are really supportive. I cannot imagine you are not doing that in 20 years. You’re now 41 years old isn’t that crazy. You’re getting pretty old. Try and be healthy. Remember all of the fun that you had in college. You joined the best fraternity on campus. Hopefully you still keep in touch with your old friends. Friendship is a very important part of life and will make you happy. Also stop stressing, life has a plan for you so just ride it out. Do you still live in Florida? I cannot imagine you moved back to where you’re from. Talk to your parents more and fix the gaps in that relationship. They have been there for you, so you should do the same, because they are pretty old by now. Talk to your sister more as well, hopefully she’s doing alright in 20 years. Most importantly be yourself. You’re a great person and remember that. 

Have a good life,

James Moslow

If you are interested, here is a video of the interior of this amazing jet.


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